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Importance Of Advertising

Importance Of Advertising

Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumer, customers and general public aware of product. It let the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands and their goods and services. Before going on the importance of advertising, we would have an introduction to advertising first.
Advertising can be define as a paid form of non – professional but encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable  presentation of goods and services to a group of people by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and general public, of services and goods.
Many people think that advertising a product means to sell it. But the real aim of advertising is to make general public and potential buyers aware of goods, products and services available under a brand.

Media of Advertising

Means communication by which advertising message conveyed to the audience are called ‘Media of Advertising’. It includes both electronics and non-electronic means of communication.

Importance of Advertising

In a successful business, advertising plays an essential and important role. Though advertising does not mean selling of products and services but it helps in increasing your sells. Advertising create awareness in people. When general public be conscious to the products, services and goods under the brands and pursuit people towards brands and make them buying better brands.
Advertising can be used to create brand awareness in general public and to make business more popular within the circle of potential buyers. Advertising, in a straight line, increases profit of the companies by escalating its revenue. The expenditure made on advertisement can turn as good boost in earnings.

Importance of Non – Electronic Advertising

This mode of advertising advertises brands via newspaper, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, journals and books. By this  way of advertising, brands can let know people, who are connected directly and indirectly connected with non – electronic media, about their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non – electronic media is in reach about every local. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper than advertising on television.

Importance of Electronic Advertising

Advertising electronically means that  communication is the most popular way of advertising. We can cover a wide range of audiences of all ages, color and gender by advertising in this way. Television viewers are in every home. If we are advertising on TV the brand would be introduced in almost every house.
Advertising on internet is getting more popular with the pass of the time. It is the most ample platform available till date, for advertising and sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the world.

Importance of Advertising Agencies

Many of the firms have their own department of advertising whose aim to advertise the company’s merchandise and services to the potential buyers and make general consumers aware of different aspects of their brand.
While, on the other hand, many organizations depends upon advertising agencies for promoting their brands and services with availability under their roof for the consumers’ disposal. Organizations are supposed to pay a certain amount to those agencies for the promotion of their brand name.
Advertising agencies have expert consultants and executives to make proper strategies to promote your brands. They are always there to suggest, help and make most of your advertising cost by promoting your brand on right place by appropriate means at suitable time for apt duration.
Advertising, in fact, is proper promotion of the products not selling items. By this way, organizations can give proper information about their brands to the costumers and consumers. Good advertising helps to increases sales and assist salesman to sale goods and services. It facilitates general people to buy advertised brands. Potential buyers are more interested in buying those brands which are advertised in an attractive manner.
Advertising can form a connection between company and customers. It won’t be wrong in calling advertising a mean communication between companies and their customers. Advertising does not give a proper awareness of brands but a nice introduction of companies as well.  Attractive advertising increase in demands of public which directly boost sales of brand.
By: Ronald Mateo