Business´ style life
Business today has been improving individual and company performance using our unique learning methodology; we build a real and deep understanding our business learning, how to be a successful person in the future and committed to achieving ours company´s goals and objectives.
Business in the future will need to become even more efficient about providing a highly monetized customer service experience--valuable for customers as well as vendors. As products and services become commodities and pricing is not a sole driver of customer´s choice.
New Business Visions
In the next evolution of business, where every business is an e-business, software agents and avatars will play an important role. Agents will help us navigate commerce, find information, negotiate deals and even keep our company.
Our entire idea about supply chains and business will change in the future. Entrepreneur will create on-demand virtual supply chains--super-efficient, those come together for a specific project and then dissolve. Someone will build a Virtual Supply Chain Bank, to re-use these resources for others to deploy.
We will all have dealing with a multi-cultural world of different values and lifestyles. China will become the largest market in the world.
The new leaders of tomorrow must be ready to face a complex set of unknowns never faced before: competition for talent, managing rapid change and creating real-time agility
1) Business and technology have fused into one system, one conversation, and one strategy, for one world. This is central to understanding the New Future.
2) Knowledge engineering, the formation and networking of knowledge-that which creates results, is the true asset of the 21st century.
3) The capture and analysis of customer information about product/service use, needs, wants, desires and behavior is mission-critical to the enterprise.
4) The capacity of an organization to understand the key trends that will shape the future of technology, customers, society and the marketplace will determine the survival of the enterprise.
5) Human capital, the value of talent will be the most valuable resource in the 21st century. Entirely new industries will be formed by innovations yet to be brought to market. Look for the health enhancement, interactive TV nanotech, and on-demand supply chains to emerge.
6) The New Future will need New Leaders that are aware of how to attract talent, manage innovation, set high visions and execute profitably. There is a new paradigm about leadership that is emerging.
Mildred Rivas
Leidy Baez