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Domestic violence

Domestic violence is not only a problem of the developing or under developed countries, but Domestic violence is a reflection of how is our society. There is no place of violence in the civilized world. But the number of cases that are reported every year raise a high alarm. And this is not the complete picture, because most of the cases go unregistered or unnoticed in everyday life. This is a very dangerous trend in our society and has to be dealt with care.

A significant number of deaths are taking place on daily basis, as a result of domestic violence only. Illiteracy, economical dependency on men folk and otherwise male dominated society is some of the attributing factors to the problem. 

The study of domestic violence in the Dominican Republic has several difficulties. There aren't any records of reports of domestic violence prior to 1997, because it was not even a crime. We don't have any records in the “Policia Nacional” before that. Even today, many women don’t know about laws against domestic violence and many current crimes go unreported. Each statistic presented regarding murder or acts of violence do not reflect the large quantity of crimes that continue happening, not only unreported, but ignored by the Policia Nacional or by the society.

In the last year authorities have issued over 15,000 protection orders, made more than 1,000 arrests. It is not surprising that domestic violence levels remain so high in the Dominican Republic in comparison with other countries of the region given that the “ley contra la violencia domestica: 24-97”, was only established in January 1997.

Roxana Reyes it’s a woman who works for the rights of the women and is trying to change the statics she has a program which provides free counselling and legal representation. The situation in the Dominican Republic is indeed shocking. The latest data from the “Procuraduría Fiscal del Distrito Nacional” puts the number of complaints of domestic violence in the past two years at over 15,000, with this type of crime making up 23% of total offences reported in the capital itself – the single most reported offence. Of the 199 femicides in the past 12 months, 46% were as a result of domestic violence.

Violence against women penetrates all levels of society. Even upper class, richer Dominican women are not immune, and some cases that happened recently are the proof of that.

By: Victor Hilario

How technology evolves

How technology evolves

As time progresses we see how technology evolves, we see how little by little things get better as they improve the vehicles, appliances, all kinds of things that little by little to make our lives better.
And it is that little by little we realize that without the technology could not live, a simple example is the evolution of cell phones every day we see how a new cell phone comes into the world, and is essential even for smaller ages.
With this we can see that technological activities influencing the social and economic progress, but his overwhelmingly commercial makes is more oriented to satisfy the wishes of the more prosperous than the essential needs of the needy, which also tends to make non-sustainable use of the environment. Although the technology can also be used to protect the environment and prevent progressive needs to stimulate a depletion or degradation of the planet's energy and material resources or increase social inequalities. As does use intensive, direct or indirect, of the environment, it is the main cause of the growing depletion and degradation of natural resources of the planet.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Have you ever had problems because not enough you storage space on your computer, your USB or removable disk? Or, worse still, has happened that your information has been cleared and had no backups or that these also failed?

There is now a new computer system that can help to avoid this kind of annoying drawbacks and which can be used both by people and companies.

A topic that is broader than was thought, since “it involves not only storage, but it also involves capacity for processing and distribution, all this Internet-based" is cloud.
Cloud Computing ordinary users is probably already a thing of every day. We all use Gmail, Hotmail, or any other email service, isn't it? Then we are already using Cloud Computing somehow; and it is that, little by little, the Navigator, which previously served for that, to surf the Web and little more, is becoming our new operating system, given the amount of applications we give. Have you ever thought in everything what the browser can do? Before, if you wanted to send a message, we had to open a specific program; to chat, another; and to listen to music, we had to open a media player. Today, the browser is able to encompass all of that. To then install programs or applications on our computers if we can get the same services without the need to do so?

What is it?
Cloud computing is the delivery of computing and storage capacity as to service to a heterogeneous community of end-recipients. The name comes from the use of to cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts services with a user's data, software and computation over a network.
There are three types of cloud computing:
·          Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
·          Platform as a Service (PaaS),
·          Software as a Service (SaaS).
In this type of computing everything you can offer a computer system is provided as service, so that users can access the services available "in the Internet cloud" without knowledge (or at least without being expert) in the management of the resources used. According to the IEEE Computer Society, is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and is sent to caches temporary client, which includes desktop, leisure centers, laptops, etc.

"This model of technology adapts to the needs of the company at all times, which only pay for what you use"


-Agility                                 - Application programming interface (API)
-Cost                                    - Device and location independent
-Virtualization                      - Multitenancy
-Reliability                            - Scalability and Elasticity
-Performance                      - Security


File:Cloud computing types.svg
  • Proven integration network services
  • Services at world level
  • A 100% infrastructure of cloud computing allows the content provider or services in the cloud without installing any type of hardware, since it is provided by the supplier of the infrastructure or platform in the cloud.
  • Implementation faster and with less risk.
  • Automatic updates that do not negatively affect it resources.
  • It contributes to the efficient use of energy.


  • Centralization of applications and data storage creates an interdependence of service providers.
  •  Application availability is tied to the availability of Internet access.
  • "Sensitive" data of the business do not reside in facilities of the companies, which could result in a context of high vulnerability to the theft or theft of information.
  • The reliability of the services depends on technological and financial "health" of cloud service providers.
  • The availability of highly specialized services could take months or even years that they are feasible to be deployed in the network.
  • Functional maturity of applications that they are continuously modifying its interfaces, so the companies of non-technological orientation learning curve has a significant pending, as well as automatic consumption by applications.
  • Security.
  • Scalability in the long term. 

By Estefany Ramirez

Social Network

Social Network

Technological advances have increased dramatically through the years, technology has been very helpful in our daily lives, simplified surprisingly since they have created many useful tools for our daily use and have made our lives easier.

On this occasion we are talking about social networks, as it is a very effective media to communicate with friends and family around the world. The barriers have been breaking slowly and the social networks have influenced so that much of this can be possible.

Social networks are social structures composed by groups of people, which are connected by one or more types of relationships such as friendship, kinship, common interests or shared knowledge. There may be many types of links between nodes. The multidisciplinary research has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from family relationships to relationships statewide organizations (in this case we speak of political networks), playing a critical role in determining the political agenda and the degree to which individuals or organizations achieve their objectives or are influenced.

Social network analysis examines the social structure using Graph Theory and identifying the entities as "nodes" or "vertices" and relationships as "links" or "edges". The structure of the resulting graph is often very complex. As stated, in its simplest form, a social network is a map of all the relevant links between all nodes studied. We speak here of networks "sociocentric" or "complete". Another option is to identify the network that involves a person (in different social contexts in which they interact), in which case we speak of "personal network".

The social network can also be used to measure social capital (ie the value that an individual obtains accessible resources through their social network). These concepts are shown often in a diagram where the nodes are points and loops, lines.
Social network is also often referred to as Internet platforms. The social networking sites whose purpose is to facilitate communication and other social issues on the website.

Among the best known social networks are:

Baddo, etc.

Each of these have different characteristics, but each one is functional from one user to another, ie, depends on the need of each.

Many people have misused these tools, but in my opinion if we use it the right way we can get good results

By : Keila sterling

Online Advertising

Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, blogs, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam. Many of these types of ads are delivered by an Ad server.

Competitive advantage over traditional advertising
One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. To that end, the emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have hitherto adopted an interruptive strategy.

Online advertisement
The internet has become an ongoing emerging source that tends to expand more and more. The growth of this particular medium attracts the attention of advertisers as a more productive source to bring in consumers.
A clear advantage consumers have with online advertisement is the control they have over the product, choosing whether to check it out or not.
Online advertisements may also offer various forms of animation. In its most common use, the term "online advertising" comprises all sorts of banner, e-mail, in-game, and keyword advertising, including on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. Web-related advertising has a variety of ways to publicize and reach a niche audience to focus its attention to a specific group. Research has proven that online advertising has given results and is a growing business revenue. For the year 2012, Jupiter Research predicted $34.5 billion in US online advertising spending.

Online advertisement as Digital Promotions for Television
Online advertisement can also be classified as Digital Promotions. Digital promotion in connection to the television industry is when networks use authentic digital resources to promote their new shows in a growing vast range of venues. Television networks development of digital off air promotional strategies allowed digital promotion to remain significant to the advertisement advancement in the television.
Examples of television online digital promotions: The Sci Fi network for loaded a special recap episode of Battlestar Galactica onto Microsoft’s Xbox online gaming service; this gave the audience additional opportunities to sample content if they may or may not be familiar with the show. Another example of digital promotion in television is when network CBS incorporated new digital technologies of Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices that were able to download a thirty-second clip of a new show on their devices; consumers standing in range of a billboard don’t need an internet link to download the show’s content. These non-linear viewing opportunities provided as a valuable tool for gaining audiences; and to encourage them to intersect with the linear audience. 

A Brief History of Electricity

In the history of electricity, no single defining moment exists. The way we produce, distribute, install, and use electricity and the devices it powers is the culmination of nearly 300 years of research and development. Efforts to understand capture, and tame electricity began in the 18th century. For the next 150 years, dozens of "natural scientists" in England, Europe, colonial America, and later the United States analyzed electricity in nature, but producing it outside of nature was another matter. That didn't happen on any large scale until the late 19th century. Setting the stage for widespread commercial use of electricity were international researchers engaged in pure scientific research, and entrepreneurial businessmen who made their own major discoveries or produced, marketed, and sold products based on others' ideas.

Prominent contributors to today's electrically energized world

Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931), the most productive electrical explorer. He invented the electric light bulb and many other products that electricians use or install
Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854), a German physicist and the discoverer of Ohm's Law, which states that resistance, equals the ratio of the potential difference to current
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a Serbian-American inventor who discovered rotating magnetic fields. George Westinghouse purchased Tesla's patent rights.
George Westinghouse (1846-1914), an able adapter of other people's research, purchased their patents and expanded on their work. His first patent was received for a train air brake. In 1869, he formed the Westinghouse Air Brake Company. Eventually, he held 360 patents and founded six companies. He lost
control of his companies in the 1907 panic, but went on working for them for another three years. The experiences of electricity's founding fathers parallel in many ways the electronic technology breakthroughs of the past half-century that have brought us a whirlwind of innovation in computer hardware, software, and Internet communications. Just as a wave of electrical inventions dramatically changed the world as the 20th century progressed, so can we anticipate a steadily escalating rate of innovation in these emerging electronic disciplines beyond the dawn of the 21st century

Engineers that Changed the World - Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientists and inventors who lived during the period 1856 - 1943. His inventions are present in many aspects of science - but he is mainly known for inventing the radio and the use of alternating current.
Nicola Tesla

Tesla's Own Company As it was mentioned in the first part, Tesla (a Croat by nationality and Austo-Hungarian by citizenship) had emigrated to US and worked with Thomas Alva Edison. However, as they were having constantly disagreements whether direct current (Edison's "love") or alternating current should be researched more, Tesla parted ways with Edison and eventually started his own business. He formed his own company "Tesla Electric & Light Manufacturing" in 1886 under that banner, Tesla created some of his most creative work and the greatest inventions ever known.
A large part of Tesla’s work was concentrated on wireless transmission of AC electricity over large distances. He maintained: “Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe.” Something that today is taken for granted and is known as the Tesla effect. In subsequent years till 1900, Tesla's work revolved around X-Rays, high frequency AC, transmission of electromagnetic energy, and building the first radio transmitter (the Nobel Prize for which, however, was given to Marconi), and mainly wireless transmission. He also built Warden Clyffe, the first wireless power transmission facility. The company, however, was indulged in a "War of Currents" with Edison (Ac v/s DC) which led to the bankruptcy of Edison's company, but also damaged the Tesla's company financial infrastructure

Electrical engineering Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of subtopics including power ,electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications. Electrical engineering may include electronic engineering. Where a distinction is made, usually outside of the United States, electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of small-scale electronic systems including computers and integrated circuits. Alternatively, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit energy, while electronic engineers are concerned with using electricity to process information. More recently, the distinction has become blurred by the growth of power electronics 

By: Emmanuel Perez

Trends in business in this day

Business Trends 2012-2015. The most profitable businesses for the future.
Time to brush up on what will be the most profitable businesses according to market trends. It will make the idea of ​​where the market is heading and consumption habits.

We must say that while the company seeks to advance, much of the future business trends are directed towards the past, because sometimes, the best innovation is to offer something that no longer sold. Let's start:

Technology Clearly live in an age of technology, where every company can have a place in any specialty within this sector will be focused on survival, at least in the medium term, for just as for now we can not foresee the trend of this new technological age. Some say that we are at 20% growth possible. Some of the emerging business around technology are:
• virtual assistance business.
• Web application development.
• Development of mobile applications.
• digital advertising companies.
• Creation of specialized platforms.
• Online sale of all products
• A long etc ... Comfort and safety in the home. Home automation is in full development, even before the crisis and incorporating new advances in new housing construction. All that we provide more welfare in our home, will be in demand. Nor can we ignore that demand is increasing security at home. Safety of all to protect us from external intrusion, especially in a time when crime has grown considerablemante.
• Alarm systems.
• private security firms.
• Companies specializing in extreme security measures, such as the construction of anti-panic room (a service that demand has increased by 18% during this recession).

The consulting sector, now more than ever it is vital. We live in the midst of globalization, where companies need to enter different markets with the knowledge of professionals to help them meet the legal, border tax issues and everything related to the import and export.
Attorneys specializing in Internet law.

So far it is thought that anything goes online. Thought that many will realize that it is misleading just after receiving a demand for several reasons. Trademark rights, copyright image and cover most of the business litigation in the coming years. This type of lawyers and one of the business ideas that we discussed already, the Virtual Attorney will receive a strong demand by companies and in many cases, their own legal department of companies seek to incorporate into your template to a lawyer in all kinds of "laws online."
Human longevity and beauty.

We not only want to live longer, but we want to be in good condition to our retirement, so it is more important growing demand for products and services that improve our quality of life. As we discussed in previous articles, have continued to grow in our country (and almost everyone) Eastern therapies, specialized sports centers (gyms) and supply all natural. This brings us to the new market trend, and is about food, much of the population thinks it best to go back and eat more natural if I have to pay a little more.
Organic Products.

For organic products not only mean those that are more natural and healthy, but those who use few resources of nature and do not contaminate the environment. Agriculture and organic farming into fashion again before 2015, since the population is becoming more aware of that are based on chemical poisoning leading to increased disease. For organic products is understand that anyone who comes from a natural process in which unused or artificial fertilizers or pesticides or antibiotics. Organic livestock can not be tied or stacked, and must graze freely, feeding on grass and feed naturally. The problem we now have entrepreneurs who are engaged in this sector is that the feeding process is more expensive and do not receive sufficient aid from the government, so sometimes these products reach the final consumer at a price too high.
Beauty and Health

If we look the franchises which are being currently profitable are those that focus on the beauty and personal care, with the advantage that now not only focused on women because the man is increasingly willing to consume this "product". The prototype of "metrosexual" is growing. Today a man is in need of care similar to those of a woman, body waxing, eyebrows, cosmetic surgery, etc. ..

Renewable energy and hybrid vehicles.
Sooner or later they will make their grand entrance, then you have to give a global solution to the consumption of natural resources and the price paid for them. And progress is being made in hybrid vehicles and large manufacturers are adapting their homes more luxurious models to new hybrid vehicle technologies.

We took some business ideas related to solar energy
Similarly, the future will be green in the construction, because these businesses not only have the support of the general public, but the state aid granted to Being Socially Responsible Business.

Some claim that by 2016, domestic service and customer service in some places could come at the hands of robots, because really, because we are attending by telephone, and sometimes they do too bad. In robotics, biotechnology and cybernetics join, finding one of the most lucrative businesses of the future, for man cyborg, is already a reality. The cyber-technology and moves more than 100,000 million dollars worldwide.

By: Yessica Mendez
David Morillo
Paola Nicole

Violence against woman II


The high indexo of violence against women in which our society is immersed for several years has made our congressman have taken the initiative to curb all these deaths that every day we see accurs in front of us.

For this reason the president of the commissio justice of the chambero of deputies, Mr. Demostenes Martinez, unveiled the proponed of modification to the Dominican Criminal Code, which seeks to increase the penalty to the guilty parts have commited feminicide in our country, this penalty is going to be modified ;the amount of years, for example from 30 that is the maximun to 40 years in prisson.

With the modification of the Dominican Criminal Code the chambero of deputies seeks to confront, prevent or do justice, as well as insure more security to our society.

Is really sad to recognise in our country that the autorities can´t have the capacity to understand that the feminicide must be combat from the homes. schools, churchs, the neighborhoods and since we are children aver all in a society extremely violent and extremely masculism like Dominican Republic.

We can see it in our juditial sistem and natural congress, where there are senators and depities that commit those violent cases to his wife and woman.

In our personal opinion we think that increasing the penalty we are no going to solve the problem and less the feminicides. We could see that with the creation of the law number 24-97 that modified the 304 article of the Dominican Criminal Code. It speaks about the intra-family violence and the igual for women´s violence. It didn´t solved the problema.

By Evelyn Tapia 

Dominican baseball

Baseball , the most  popular sport  game in the  island

Baseball was introduced in the Caribbean in 1866 by U.S. sailors loading sugar in the then Spanish colony of Cuba. Also, it is known that two Cuban students, brothers Ernest and Nemesio Guillo, attended Spring Hill College in Alabama during 1860 and brought baseball to Cuba. Eight years later, in 1874, the first organized game of baseball was played between Cuban teams. In the years to come it would be Cuba that spread baseball throughout the Caribbean. When the Ten Years' War (1868-1878) in Cuba brought turmoil to the colony, many Cubans fled their country and migrated to the Dominican Republic, bringing baseball with them. In the 1920s the Dominicans began to play against neighboring countries.

In the early 1900s, four Dominican teams formed. These teams still exist today, and form the foundation of Dominican professional baseball:

- Tigres del Licey (1907)
- Estrellas Orientales (1911)
- Leones del Escogido (1921)
- Sandino, later renamed Las Águilas (1937)

To date, 420 players from the Dominican Republic have played in the Majors (1956-2005), and according to Major League Baseball there are 119 players representing Latin America, which is 24% of major leaguers. Of these 119 players, 90 players come from the Dominican Republic. There are more Dominicans playing in the Majors than from any other country in Latin America, and the Dominican Republic has more players in the Majors than all other countries in Latin America combined. Dominicans have even made strides in other aspects of the game. In 2003 Tony Pena, formerly of the Kansas City Royals, coached against Felipe Alou, of the San Francisco Giants, making it the first time that two Dominicans coached against each other in the Majors. And in 2004 Omar Minaya became the first Dominican General Manager, working the front office for the New York Mets.

History of MMA

The history of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) dates back to the Olympics of ancient Greece. Mixed Martial Arts fights originated as hand-to-hand combat performed as a sport called pankration, from the Greek words pan and kratos, meaning “all powers.”

The Greek competitors had only two rules: no biting and no eye gouging. Pankration was a popular event, and the competitors became heroes and the subjects of legends.
The teachings of ancient Greek pankration spread to India thanks to Alexander the Great and his habit of recruiting athletes as soldiers because of their strength and combat knowledge. A Buddhist monk traveling through India picked up on aspects of pankration and brought that knowledge to China, where it birthed Asian martial arts such as kung fu, judo, and karate.
As people branched into new lands, they took these arts and built on them, often creating a new style or form of martial art. For example, an expert in judo traveled the globe and ended up in Brazil to spread his teachings, an act that gave birth to the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
As martial arts spread, so did the idea of mixed-style competitions. Often a practitioner of one martial art challenged a practitioner of a different one for ultimate bragging rights. These mixed-style competitions took place worldwide for several decades, eventually gaining intense popularity in the United States.
Participants in these competitions learned from their opponents and began to realize that in order to become well-rounded fighters, they must study any combative art form that could give them an edge in the game.
For instance, if a kickboxer was matched with a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, the kickboxer would realize that he must become more adept at defending takedowns, thus prompting him to train with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters. (Jiu-Jitsu ground fighting incorporates various submission holds, such as joint and compression locks and chokes.) From that point forward, competitions were no longer between athletes who focused on a singular martial art but between two mixed martial arts athletes.

Biography of Anderson Silva

Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 14, 1975 Silva was born into a humble household. Silva took to martial arts quickly and wanted to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a child, but his family could not afford the costly lessons. So Silva learned what he could from his friends and at age 14 enrolled in a Taekwondo class that his family could afford. Silva spent his teens learning Taekwondo and the Brazilian martial art of Capoeira.
SIlva started training Muay Thai under Fabio Noguchi, at his gym and would eventually discover the Chute Boxe gym in Curitiba. At Chute Boxe, Silva got hard lessons in fighting as their training sessions were famously intense. Full contact sparring in which team members knocked each other out was the norm at Chute Boxe and Silva had true masters to learn from in MMA legends Wanderlei Silva and Jose "Pele" Landi-Jons. And under the tutelage of Chute Boxe's coaches, including the legendary Rudimar Fedrigo, Silva would grow into a formidable fighter.
By Sheralber Antonio Labata

Puerto Plata one of the most interesting touristics places in Dominican Republic. Puerto Plata is one of the most important touristics places in the Dominican Republic, it is welknown for its different atractions Puerto Plata, offer adventure, beauty and diversity, three features that combine to leave great memories and one experience to talk about. Something that is characteristic of Puerto Plata are its beaches like: Sosua, Cabarete, gold beach and 27 pools that are consided as one of the main tourist attractions of the city but you can not leave without mention The San Felipe Fort and The cable car of Puerto Plata that are amazing atractions too.

· Sosua

Sosua is a part of one of the most important tourist destination in the country, here is located one of the most beautiful beach that you can find in Puerto Plata but no the only one.

· Cabarete

Cabarete is a great feature that young people and adults appreciate very much, especilly those who crave for adventure sports. Cabarete it is not ´´3 in 1´´, it is all in one; natural beauty, sports, tourism, adventure, folklore, a rich gastronomy and endless fun.

· Gold beach.

In the gold beach the great beauty that emanate of its natural landscapes combining the blue color of the water with the reflections of the sun in the day, and of moon at night this beach bring pleasing memories by her landscapes, music and dances.

· The 27 pools.

The 27 pools of Damajagua is a amidst exotic and unrepeatable landscapes of many Dominican treasures there is one that outstands for the spectacular and singular beauty, they are amazing places to enjoy whit friends or alone because is one of the greates places of Puerto Plata.

· San Felipe Fort

In 1980 it was declared a Nationa monument, it is the main colonial monument of Puerto Plata city. The San Felipe Fort name is in honor of Felipe II because its construction finished in his reign. It is one of the most important monument in that city.

· The cable car.

The cable car of Puerto Plata, the only one in the country, was built in 1974 and inaugurated in 1975, it place have one of the more picturesque and impressive excursions for a tourist and loca people visiting the country , from wich you can glimpse the spectacular view of the Atlantic coastline and the city of Puerto Plata.

By Cruz Ivelis Baez Garcia.