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Violence against woman II


The high indexo of violence against women in which our society is immersed for several years has made our congressman have taken the initiative to curb all these deaths that every day we see accurs in front of us.

For this reason the president of the commissio justice of the chambero of deputies, Mr. Demostenes Martinez, unveiled the proponed of modification to the Dominican Criminal Code, which seeks to increase the penalty to the guilty parts have commited feminicide in our country, this penalty is going to be modified ;the amount of years, for example from 30 that is the maximun to 40 years in prisson.

With the modification of the Dominican Criminal Code the chambero of deputies seeks to confront, prevent or do justice, as well as insure more security to our society.

Is really sad to recognise in our country that the autorities can´t have the capacity to understand that the feminicide must be combat from the homes. schools, churchs, the neighborhoods and since we are children aver all in a society extremely violent and extremely masculism like Dominican Republic.

We can see it in our juditial sistem and natural congress, where there are senators and depities that commit those violent cases to his wife and woman.

In our personal opinion we think that increasing the penalty we are no going to solve the problem and less the feminicides. We could see that with the creation of the law number 24-97 that modified the 304 article of the Dominican Criminal Code. It speaks about the intra-family violence and the igual for women´s violence. It didn´t solved the problema.

By Evelyn Tapia